Adopting through Foster Care
This free resource is open to licensed foster and home study approved families interested in fostering or adopting from their local child welfare agency. Create a profile and complete a compatibility assessment to be identified as a compatible match for a child needing a foster or adoptive home. Find out if Family-Match is available in your state. VISIT FAMILY-MATCH.ORG
Helping Professionals for Foster Care + Adoption
We equip child-placing agencies with innovative technology and creative solutions for tackling one of the greatest challenges child welfare professionals face: stability for children in foster care. Today, two thirds of children entering foster care for the first time will experience three or more moves within their first 12 months in care. Advancements in neuroscience reveal the negative effects frequent placement disruptions have on a child’s neurobiological development, particularly in the areas of emotional regulation and self-control. Underdevelopment in these areas of the brain increase the likelihood a child will develop negative behaviors or end up in prison, homeless, and/or a victim of human trafficking. VISIT FAMILY-MATCH.ORG